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Out Of Battery

48 Hours - GMTK Jam 2021

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platforms: PC (Windows)


The theme of this gamejam was "Joined Together", and based on that I came up with the idea for the player to control a robot with an extremely short battery life.

To stay charged, the robot has to tether to nearby electrical sources, limiting their movement. The player has to make their way through each level, avoiding hazards while trying not to run out of battery.

I made 6 levels for the game in the 48 hours I had for development.


​GJL Game Parade - Fall 2021

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platforms: PC (Windows)


A first-person stealth shooter based on a theme of "One Time Use". The player can find a variety of weapons to use, but each can only be used once before dissolving. 

I worked as part of a group for this jam, and was responsible for:

  • Enemy AI Behaviours

  • Integrating weapons with AI

  • Scripting for shotgun

  • Sword Swing Animation

Iron Seed

48 Hours - Global Game Jam 2022

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platforms: PC (Windows)


Worked in a team of 9 as an AI Programmer for this jam, where the theme was "Duality".

As a team we came up with the idea of focusing on a duality of "technology vs nature", and settled on a tower-defense style of gameplay.

The player can place plant-based turrets to combat invading enemy drones, and has to manage healing them as enemies attack.

I helped come up with various aspects of the game's design, and during development mainly focused on implementing the enemy AI. I also worked on the spawning system and item pickups. 

Late Night Bounty

​Global Game Jam 2021

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platforms: PC (Windows)

Link: GGJ Page

Another stealth-based first-person game. The theme for this jam was "Lost and Found", so the game is about sneaking around your home at night trying to find the remote to your TV, all while avoiding your parents.​

Again I worked alongside a small team for this game, contributing with:

  • Physics system for picking up objects

  • Parent AI Behaviour

  • Trashcan model

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