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  • Holly

Prototype Progress [3] - Collectables

This week was all about collectables! And a lot of different types.

The main collectable item of the game is Scrap, which acts as a currency for buying upgrades etc.

I wanted Scrap to look varied and cluttered, so I've had each piece choose a random mesh from a list when spawning. I think this achieves the sort of "junk" vibe the game is going for.

As each piece of scrap is quite small, I also worked on making them become "magnetized" when the player walks near.

Alongside being found scattered throughout each level, Scrap will mainly be found inside breakable cubes / boxes.

Currently these boxes can be broken in one hit, but I may change this in the future.

Another type of breakable box I implemented this week is the Health box. Breaking these will release several pickups that restore the player's health. Similarly to the Scrap collectables, these orbs will automatically move towards the player when close enough.

However, they won't be able to be picked up if the player's health is already full, so as not to go to waste.

The final collectable I worked on this week was the Microchip collectable. This is still in its most basic form, but the idea is for them to act as the main method of unlocking levels / upgrades to buy. They'll be far less common than Scrap, more comparable to "Moons" in Super Mario Odyssey.

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