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Turn-based RPG Prototype

A basic prototype for a turn-based RPG battle system in Unreal Engine 4.
It's a work-in-progress, but currently features:

  • Turn selection and order

  • Target selection

  • Attacks and Spells

  • Status effects

  • Damage / heal over-time effects

  • Character positioning

This was based on an idea I'd wanted to experiment with, which would try to combine mechanics found in MMO raids (e.g FFXIV or WoW) with more traditional turn-based combat found in the mainline Final Fantasy games.

At the same time, I wanted to improve my own scripting skills in Unreal Engine, so I focused on getting the basics of a turn-based system working first.

In future I'd like to return to this prototype and expand on it, especially since I feel my own skills with Unreal have significantly improved since.

Bullet-Hell Prototype

Inspired by games like Deltarune and Touhou, I also decided to try putting together a shmup / bullet-hell prototype in Unreal.

I experimented with different aspect ratios for this prototype, as many shmup games usually opt for a vertical display (generally thought that it's easier for the eye to read incoming projectiles this way).

I particularly wanted to try recreating the moving backgrounds in games like Einhänder, while making sure objects like the player, bullets and the boss wouldn't be affected by changes in velocity etc.

The approach I went with was instead grouping all of the background elements together and animating their transform in a level sequencer.

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